Production Order Ref: 188511812
adidas adidas Entrada 22 Uniform Personalizable Only
█ #9d182e | | #000000 | 1px | #ffcccc | 0 | | Back | Text Key | Text | Font | Colour | Weight | Style | Stroke | Stroke Width | Stroke 2 | Stroke 2 Width | Custom Font Colours | number-text-back-number-fixed | 12 | americancapnum | █ #9d182e | | | #ffcccc | 0 | #ffcccc | 0 | | |
Left Sleeve | Images |
| |
*Special Instructions: | See uploaded spreadsheet for short and sock sizes. I am also ordering 4 extra white/white socks with this order |
Production Fee | Production Fee $9.95 |
adidas Personalizable Only adidas Entrada 22 Uniform. (x 26)